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Writer's pictureStefanie Gettemans

Praying for What You Have Instead of What You Don't

Last night was pretty rough to say the least. Everyday feels like the same cycle of having bouts of fatigue (although I had a burst of energy and got the rest of the presents wrapped last night). I look forward to the moment that I can put my head to the pillow. But then, I lay there. For whatever reason, the muscle aches and pains have been ramping up at night time. I'm not sure if it is because of just the "go, go, go" of every day or what. Combining the insomnia with the "flu-like aches" plain out sucks. Just saying. I've always wondered how you could be so tired all day, and then stay up during the night. Frustrating.

I ordered a daily devotional because I felt that along with the writing, it would help me get a moment of peace and clarity among the havoc of the day and the hustle and bustle that is just life. It is called A Moment to Breathe - 365 Devotions in Your Everyday Mess ( ) The book has 365 stories, some that you may feel you could have simply written yourself. What is great, though, is the "Moment to Breathe" at the end. Today encouraged me to pray for the rain that is already falling. Now without context, that may be a difficult concept to understand. But, in the story, the woman talks about a group in Africa that is outside eating their meal. It starts to rain, but no one moves. They continue on eating. They say that they don't want to leave during the rain because they don't want the rain to leave them. In Africa, it's obviously something that is so scarce. So they sit... continuing their meal and conversation. They want the rain to continue.

It makes you stop and think. How often do we actually think about and give thanks for what we do have? I know for me, I find myself often praying for something I need... praying for peace, for comfort, for support in my relationships... And, I'm not saying that these are wrong things to pray for... not in the least. But, how often do we sit and look around during amazing seasons of our lives, where we really aren't "asking or praying" for anything, and say, "Wow! Look at all of the GREAT things going on"? How often do we speak more grateful thoughts instead of asking for something we don't have? Like I said, I think we all need to pray and ask for things we need. But what would it look like to take the time to give thanks for the things we DO have. This is good food for thought for me this morning.

This morning, I am grateful for --

- Simply another day here on this Earth

- My new office furniture so that I can work comfortably

- My 9 day lonnnng weekend coming after today

- The excitement that I get to be with my family and watch them open presents on Christmas

- Finding out that my husband will be off with us on New Year's Eve... which is huge because he often misses holidays

- A great job that allows me to work from home

- A church service on Christmas Eve that I am so looking forward to.. Love all of the Christmas Carols!

So many great things are happening, and it is so simple to take them for granted. I'm trying to make it a point today to not let how I physically feel take over how I can mentally make this day feel. I'm going to make it a good day.


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