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Writer's pictureStefanie Gettemans

Golumpki, Doctor Appointments, Christmas Eve, and "She's a Beaut, Clark!"

Merry Christmas, Eve! I am a couple days behind on posts, but 'tis the season for busy, busy, busy! Because my brain needs some sort of order, let me try and put the events of the past few days chronologically...

Sunday was Golumpki Night! It is our annual night right before Christmas where the ladies of the family make a Polish dish called Golumpki. Some may know it better as "Stuffed Cabbage Rolls". The recipe includes ground pork, ground beef, rice and egg all mixed together. Then, you wrap small handfuls of the ingredients in cabbage. Cover the rolls in tomato soup, some water, and cover with cabbage covers. Then, bake! Perfect :)

Golumpki Making


Moving onto Monday... I had been waiting for this day for awhile. I was able to get in to see my rheumatologist since my diagnosis. I had called everyday leading up to Monday to see if he had any cancellations, but there never were any, so I (im)patiently waited... Anyway, the day has come and gone, and I feel much more optimistic and ready to take on my future. There are still a lot of unknowns, but I am very hopeful that with my GP and my rheumatologist, I will take this disease head on! As of right now, I have started taking supplements that help support fatigue and joint/muscle inflammation.

I am going to give these supplements about three months or so to really monitor my symptoms and see how they are helping me on a daily basis. The supplements coupled with exercise and more of an anti-inflammatory diet should help tremendously. I am hopeful.

The rheumatologist also gave me a prescription for Plaquenil. Plaquenil is a medication that was first used (and still used today) to treat malaria symptoms. It has been around for awhile, and now research shows that it can help treat autoimmune diseases by decreasing. inflammation in the body. I spoke to my GP today, and he assured me that I have been described a lower dose, and that I shouldn't be worried about Plaquenil. For lack of better words, it is not really considered one of the "big guns" in the medicine world with tons of side effects. But, he did recommend holding off for a month on it and just taking the supplements. If I'm still not feeling much better, he said to try Plaquenil for two months or so. He said if after those two months, I don't notice much of a change, stop taking it. He said if I'm not noticing a big change on it, why should I dump a chemical into my body with no result? I would have to agree, and I appreciate his honesty in regards to taking a prescription pill. If I feel the same with and without a drug, I might as well do without it! If the medication is helping, then he does of course recommend staying on it. That's fine with me.. I'm not totally against prescription medication. I want to keep myself healthy. If it will take one prescription pill, so be it. But, I'm also going to make sure I am doing as much as I can lifestyle wise.

And here we are today.. Christmas Eve. Gianna and Peyton cannot wait for Santa to come (although Peyton isn't a believer, the still gets excited to help be Santa and spread the Christmas spirit). I brought some presents and odds and ends taken over to my parents this morning in preparation for tomorrow.... For lunch, we went to one of our favorite pizza spots.. Tomato Bar in Crown Point. For a couple weeks in December, they have our favorite pizza ... "She's a Beaut, Clark!". Any idea what that is a reference to?


National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is one of our favorite movies (watching it as I type)... and the pizza is just amazing. I know it probably wasn't the best choice for an anti-inflammatory diet... well, not a good choice at all. But, I have no regrets. It's Christmas Eve; I feel great; and it was delicious!


After lunch, we attended our Christmas Eve service at our church - Suncrest Christian Church in St. John. Their Christmas service is my favorite of the year. The decorations are beautiful, and the Christmas carols and songs are just amazing. Every year, after hearing the story of Jesus' birth, we sing a song in candle light. It's beautiful. We sang O' Holy Night... That song coupled with the candle light just makes you stop and be present. It helps you remember what this season is about... what this life is about for that matter.

Gianna Holding her Candle

It's been one heck of a year... I can surely admit that. But, as I sit here on Christmas Eve, I can say that I have a sense of peace. With all of my anxiety and unknowns about my health this year, I am finally calm. Am I happy that I have a diagnosed autoimmune disease? Of course not! But, I am happy that so many of my unknowns and scary what-ifs have been able to be put away. I have forward focus now. I know what is wrong, and what I need to do. Most importantly, this has given me even greater purpose. I will continue be an advocate for others, and I will offer my support in any way possible. My life will consist of reading, studying and supporting. I'm going to be an even stronger person than I already am.. be the best wife and mom that I can possibly be.... and I'm ready to take my new journey head on. I am thankful for the life that I have. I am healthy... I am happy... and I am surely blessed.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!! May you enjoy every single moment with the ones you love!

- Stefanie -

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