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Writer's pictureStefanie Gettemans

All of My "Invisible" Symptoms - You Would Totally Think "She's FINE!"

My Main Symptoms

Many of these symptoms stay constant, and some come and go.  Some days are worse than others, and some days I feel "normal".  I've learned that I will have "flares" (periods of time where I feel worse and the disease is in high activity).  But, with treatment and lifestyle adjustments, I'm confident that I can start minimizing the flairs.

Brain fog / short term memory issues

Tingling in chin, lower lip, tongue


Lack of taste / metallic taste

Always thirsty

Chronic cough

Scratchy throat

Globus - feeling of something stuck in your throat (due to lack of moisture)

Choking feeling

Pressure in chest

Scratchy eyes

Itchy ears

Reoccurring sinus infections

Tingling in extremities

Flu like symptoms - muscle and body aches

FatigueHot/sweaty at night time

Bruising on extremities without injury

I should also mention, Google and the first rheumatologist I saw said that the "classic" symptoms are dry mouth and dry eyes.  As you can see, I have many more symptoms than those, and those "classic" symptoms really aren't a huge issue to me.  My main issues are the brain fog, fatigue, tingling and the breathing/choking feelings.  As you can see in my symptoms, they can definitely be symptoms of many other things … common colds, viruses, or many other autoimmune diseases.  Rheumatology is a medical progression that is truly a puzzle.  There are not many tests that say "Aha! You are positive for 'X' disease!"  You must take all the tests and symptoms into consideration.

If you want to read more about this disease, here is a great resource...


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